"Julius K-9 Color & Gray Halsband 20 mm x 27-42 cm"
The IDC Color&Gray collar, with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 27-42 cm, is available in appealing colors that add a cheerful touch to every walk. This collar is not only stylish but also highly durable and quick-drying. To protect your dog's fur, we've replaced the rubber fibers used for better grip in leashes with textile materials in our collars. Furthermore, this collar is perfect for introducing uncertain dogs to a harness. You can attach one end of the IDC Color&Gray leash with a double carabiner to the collar and the other end to the harness. This way, the dog's neck is protected from unnecessary strain, making it easier to handle stressful situations. The straps of the IDC Color&Gray product family are manufactured in Germany and are OEKO-TEX certified. 

  • 45% polyester 
  • 39% polypropylene 
  • 15% polyamide 
  • 1% inox

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